
Non-coherent detection for ultraviolet communications with inter-symbol interference


Ultraviolet communication (UVC) serves as a promising supplement to share the responsibility for the overloads in conventional wireless communication systems. One challenge for UVC lies in inter-symbol-interference (ISI), which combined with the ambient noise, contaminates the received signals and thereby deteriorates the communication accuracy. Existing coherent signal detection schemes (e.g. maximum likelihood sequence detection, MLSD) require channel state information (CSI) to compensate the channel ISI effect, thereby falling into either a long overhead and large computational complexity, or poor CSI acquisition that further hinders the detection performance. Non-coherent schemes for UVC, although capable of reducing the complexity, cannot provide high detection accuracy in the face of ISI. In this work, we propose a novel non-coherent paradigm via the exploration of the UV signal features that are insensitive to the ISI. By optimally weighting and combining the extracted features to minimize the bit error rate (BER), the optimally-weighted non-coherent detection (OWNCD) is proposed, which converts the signal detection with ISI into a binary detection framework with a heuristic decision threshold. As such, the proposed OWNCD avoids the complex CSI estimation and guarantees the detection accuracy. Compared to the state-of-the-art MLSD in the cases of static and time-varying CSI, the proposed OWNCD can gain ∼1 dB and 8 dB in signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) at the 7% overhead FEC limit (BER of 4.5×10 −3 , respectively, and can also reduce the computational complexity by 4 order of magnitud

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