Solucionando necesidades tecnológicas con zentyal 7.0 development


Se abordan temáticas puntuales como DHCP y DNS Server, Controlador de Dominio, Proxy no Transparente, Cortafuegos, File y Print Server, así como Virtual Private Network a través de Zentyal Development 7.0 que, gracias a su interfaz Figura y amigable, permite la puesta en marcha de estos servicios los cuales brindan seguridad tecnológica y potencializan el desarrollo de las sociedades.Specific topics such as DHCP and DNS Server, Domain Controller, Non-Transparent Proxy, Firewall, File and Print Server are addressed, as well as Virtual Private Network through Zentyal Development 7.0 that, thanks to its graphical and friendly interface, allows the implementation operation of these services which provide technological security and enhance the development of societies

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