Propuesta para Intervenir en la problemática de salud diabetes mellitus Tipo 2


La Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2, es una de las enfermedades crónicas más costosas y amenazante de nuestros tiempos. Es un problema de Salud Pública que disminuye la expectativa de vida e incrementa la morbilidad, principalmente a complicaciones de tipo vascular. La Diabetes Mellitus reúne diversas condiciones para ser considerada una enfermedad que puede y debe ser prevenida, entre algunas de las condiciones tenemos que es un problema de Salud Pública y considerando que a través de ella se condicionan diversas enfermedades, existe cada vez más conocimiento de su historia natural y su fisiopatología. Se sabe que hay un largo período preclínico asintomático donde es posible intervenir y a pesar de esto, al momento del diagnóstico casi la mitad de los individuos tiene una o más complicaciones, su prevención y control es una prioridad, es posible establecer medidas seguras, fáciles y efectivas como son las farmacológicas y no farmacológicos para retrasar la aparición de la enfermedad y por último, existen factores de riesgo claramente identificables y pruebas muy sencillas de tamizaje que permiten la identificación temprana de personas de alto riesgo para desarrollar la enfermedad, las medidas para encontrar individuos con alto riesgo de tener la enfermedad no deben ser riesgosas y deben ser costos-efectivas.The Diabetes Mellitus type 2, is one of the costliest chronic illnesses and threatening of our times. It is a problem of Public Health that diminishes the expectation of life and increases the morbidity, principally to complications of vascular type. The Diabetes Mellitus assembles diverse conditions to be considered to be an illness that can and must be prepared, between some of the conditions we have that it is a problem of Public Health and thinking that across her diverse illnesses are determined, there exists more and more knowledge of his natural history and his fisiopatología. It is known that there is a long preclinical asymptomatic period where it is possible to intervene and in spite of this, to the moment of the diagnosis almost the half of the individuals has one or more complications, his prevention and control is a priority, it is possible to establish sure, easy measurements and effective like are the pharmacologists and not pharmacological to delay the appearance of the illness and finally, there exist clearly identifiable risk factors and very simple tests of tamizaje that allow the early identification of persons of high risk to develop the illness, the measurements to find individuals with high risk of having the illness must not be risky and must be costs effective. In the year 2000 already 165 million persons existed with diabetes and there are predicted 239 millions for the year 2010 and 300 millions for the year 2025. It is because of it from what we decide to dock the population from 27 to 59 years, in order to help a database that allows to demonstrate the pursuit and control of the diabetic patient to guarantee his well-being, to increase his expectation of life and to demonstrate progress for the System of Health in the related thing to the cost - effectiveness

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