
The Feasibility of Applying Solar Industrial Process Heat to Paper Machine Dryer Sections


Fossil fuel deficiencies and escalating costs are presented. The application of solar industrial process heat (SIPH) to the paper industry is examined with focus on cylinder dryer sections located at the dry end of a paper machine in a non-integrated mill. Drying theory, as it relates to SIPH, is discussed in detail. Very high steam temperatures are deemed unnecessary for good dryer efficiency. Factors favoring application are listed, as are those U.S. installations similar to the type investigated. A fabric drying facility, using SIPH, is described with respect to the paper drying facility, using SIPH, is described with respect to the paper drying process. Inserted steam system configurations including instrumentation and process control features are described. The use of the SERI online Models Library, its components and applications are given. An experiment using a parabolic through prototype collector was performed and limited data made available. Results showed that the collector extraction efficiency was poor (8.5% at average peak noon), so calculation methods for thermal losses explained. A life-cycle economic analysis is performed with the conclusion drawn that SIPH in this form is not economically feasible, and its other positive aspects do not outweigh its high initial capital cost. The likelihood of using SIPH in other forms for other paper industry divisions, including bleaching, is examined

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