Intolerancia a la incertidumbre, ansiedad y depresión en adolescentes: el papel mediador de la preocupación y la rumiación.


Máster Universitario en Psicología General Sanitaria Por la UllEl objetivo de este trabajo es conocer si los estilos rumiativos y la preocupación influyen como variables mediadoras en la relación entre la intolerancia a la incertidumbre y la existencia de síntomas ansiosos y depresivos. Para ello, se ha realizado un análisis mediacional por medio del PROCESS (Hayes, 2012; Hayes y Rockwood, 2017) del SPSS. Esta posible mediación se ha corroborado utilizando tanto el modelo directo, como el inverso (Hayes, 2012). La muestra ha estado formada por 303 adolescentes, de los que el 56,4% eran chicas y el 43,6% chicos. Tienen un rango de edad entre los 12 y los 17 años, siendo la media de 15.12, mientras que la moda de edad se sitúa en los 16 años. Los resultados han confirmado la existencia de un efecto mediador entre las variables propuestas, aunque obteniendo unos valores del efecto poco potente.The main objective of this work is to explore if ruminative styles and worry are mediating variables in the relationship between intolerance of uncertainty and the existence of anxious and depressive symptoms in teenagers. A mediational analysis has been carried out through PROCESS (Hayes, 2012; Hayes and Rockwood, 2017) of the SPSS. This possible mediation has been examinated using the direct and inverse model. A sample of 303 adolescents was used, in which 56.4% were girls and 43.6% boys. It has an age range between 12 and 17 years, the average has been 15.12, while the trend was 16 years. The results have confirmed the existence of a mediating effect between the proposed variables, although obtaining values of the weak effect.The main objective of this work is to explore if ruminative styles and worry are mediating variables in the relationship between intolerance of uncertainty and the existence of anxious and depressive symptoms in teenagers. A mediational analysis has been carried out through PROCESS (Hayes, 2012; Hayes and Rockwood, 2017) of the SPSS. This possible mediation has been examinated using the direct and inverse model. A sample of 303 adolescents was used, in which 56.4% were girls and 43.6% boys. It has an age range between 12 and 17 years, the average has been 15.12, while the trend was 16 years. The results have confirmed the existence of a mediating effect between the proposed variables, although obtaining values of the weak effect

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