
On the use of bianisotropic huygens' metasurfaces to build leaky-wave antennas


The Electromagnetics AcademyHuygens' metasurfaces are considered a powerful tool to achieve anomalous electromagnetic field transformations. They consist of an artifcial surface built of pairs of collocated electric and magetic dipoles that force the boundary conditions for the desired transformation to be ful lled [1]. Despite their possibilities, the achievable transformations must ful l some conditions. In [2] it was shown that Huygens' metasurfaces with passive and lossless particles can achieve an arbitrary field transformation provided that the power is conserved at each point of the metasurface and there is wave impedance matching. However, it was shown in [3], that by introducing bianisotropy of the omega-type, the matching condition can be suppressed, which allows the control of both the transmission and rejection coe cients on the metasurface.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

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