Diagnostico para el mejoramiento del servicio de atención cliente en la registraduria especial del estado civil de Villavicencio-Meta


La Registraduría Nacional del Estado Civil ocupa un lugar importante en la organización del Estado como entidad con autonomía e independencia y único prestador de los servicios electorales y de identificación de los ciudadanos. Estando representada por la Registraduría Especial del Estado Civil de Villavicencio, se realizó un estudio de tipo descriptivo al interior de la misma que arrojó la necesidad de crear y poner en funcionamiento una oficina para la atención del servicio al cliente con el fin de disminuir los problemas de desinformación, congestión e insatisfacción de los clientes que acuden en busca de un servicio que no reciben de manera oportuna. Para tal fin se utilizaron la observación, la entrevista y la encuesta a un promedio diario de clientes y al 100% de los trabajadores de dicha oficina.The National Registraduría of the Civil State occupies an important place in the organization of the State as entity with autonomy and independence and only lender of the electoral services and of the citizens' identification. Being represented by the Special Registraduría of the Civil State of Villavicencio it was carried out to study of descriptive type to the interior of the same one that threw the necessity to make and to put into operation an office for the attention from the service to the client with the purpose of the problems of disinformation, congestion and the clients ' dissatisfaction that they go in search of to service that they don't receive in an opportune way diminishing. For such an end the observation, the interview and the survey were used to daily average of 100 clients and 100% of the workers of this office. In the development of the work it will be tabulated and graficated the information item for item about the client's perception about the service borrowed, so like to series of indicators proposed to measure and to improve the same one. When concluding the task to plan of improvement it is presented where they related the necessary elements to put into operation the office of service to the client

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