Analysis of the information and communication technologies (ICTs) as viable resources in the development of the speaking skill


The study aims to analyze the Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)as viable resources in the development of the speaking skill in 8th graders at Ulises Tapia Roa School, Nindiri in the second semester 2020. There were selected 20 high school students and 1 teacher to participate in this work. The instruments that were used to collect reliable information were students survey, teacher’s interview and an observation guide. Afterward, in order to analyze the information gathered through the process of this research, it was used IBM SPSS Statistics 20 Software. This program helped to illustrate the information and results obtained from the tools mentioned above in an organized way through graphics organizer. The results indicated that the Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) can be considered as viable resources in the development of the speaking skill and improve the Learning process. Moreover, ICTs tools give students and teachers an interactive and collaborative English class. Using technology teachers have more opportunities to enhance their traditional teaching methods for innovative classes. The use of technology has become an important part of the learning process in and out the class. Technology enables teachers to adapt classroom activities, thus enhancing the language learning process of the students. Technology continues to grow in importance as a tool to help teachers facilitate the language learning for their learners. Finally, some recommendations are given to the teacher and students to the integration of the ICTs tools into the classroom and help in the acquisition of the foreign languag

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