Studying the Common Themes of Two Surahs of Shu’ara and Qisas in terms of identical Huruf Muqatta’eh


Twenty-nine Surah’s of the Qur'an are started with Huruf Muqatta’eh that have always remained an undisclosed issue, and commentators on the Qur'an have come up with different views concerning them. One suggestion is that there is a particular relationship between Huruf Muqatta’eh of the beginning of each surah and the themes of that surah. By paying attention to the surahs that have the same Huruf Muqatta’eh,it becomes clear that they are similar in content and style. Based on this theory, the content of the two surah of Shu’ara and Qisas from the qroup of Tavasin which have identical letters are examined here and some commonalities are found between them such as the same Huruf Muqatta’eh ( طسم), same sequencing and order in seding down the verses and comlipation, the story of Moses and Pharaoh, proving the Prophet's Mission and the righteousness of the holy Quran, proving Divine Rububiyyat and Prudence,invitation to Monotheism,guiding believers,irrational complaints of polytheists, polytheists and infidels’ attachment to the world, piety and destiny of pious people, corruption and destiny of corrupt people

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