The Basilica of Ballsh where Boris, the Bulgarian Tsar was Baptized


The Basilica of Ballsh was the most important center of the late Antiquity and of the Middle Ages in the Episcopate of Gllavenica. The Basilica was a monastery church, which time after time was expanded with auxiliary facilities. The basilica was first built in the 6th century and it had 2 phases of reconstruction, in the 11th century and in 12th century. Gllavenica is mentioned during the first Norman disembarkation in the Albanian coast during the end of the 9th century. During the second Norman campaign of the years 1107-1108, the Norman noble Robert de Monteforte was killed in Gllavenica. Even while retaining the title of Duke, he was promptly buried and on his grave was placed the column of stone on which the inscription of the return of King Boris to Christianity was inscribed.Keywords: Basilica of Ballsh, Episcopate of Gllavenica, Epitaph of Gllavenica, Robert de Monteforte, King Boris

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