Magnetophonon Resonance in Quantum Wells with Parabolic Potential


The linear dc magnetoconductivity in the(x,y)(x,y) plane of a parabolic quantum well, with a magnetic fieldB=Bez\vec B = B\vec e_z applied, is evaluated for electron - opticalphonon interaction. For nonpolar optical and polar optical phonons,the magneto-conductivity oscillates as a function of the magneticfield with resonances occurring when Pωc=ω0P\omega_c=\omega_0, whereωc\omega_c and ω0\omega_0 are cyclotron frequency and optical phononfrequency, respectively, and where PP is an integer. The analyticresults are numerically evaluated to show explicitly the dependenceof magneto-conductivity on the magnetic field, the confinementfrequency in zz direction, and the temperature of the system

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