Development of Design Ideas: Fusion of Culture- The Silk Road Dream through Fashion Art


This research is financed by “The Major Projects of Philosophy and Social Sciences Research in Jiangsu Universities (2019SJZDA021).” Abstract How to execute the ideas of designer’s mind through a theme of design according to fashion scene into factual mockups with the consumers’ acceptance is the prime object in design sector. The main intention of this study is to develop the design ideas according to specific theme, process to carry out those design into wearable form, fulfilment of designer’s achievement and research values of design theme. Author developed a design collection as a designer for a renowned fashion design competition hold in Shanghai, with a given competition concept on the ‘Silk Road’ and the principles of innovation. To execute the design theme towards the final steps of achievements designer used different process of design accordingly and this study will discuss step by step developments. In this design idea there will have a discussion of Silk Road dream in terms of fashion art to realize the actuality of design according to theme. From this study one can realize the relation between theme research and design ideas as well as the systematic method of design development as a designer, and will help the design students as a self-learning guide to understand about participating fashion design competition. The given experiment of design process will be considered as an example to illustrate the focus point of this research. Keywords: Design development, Silk Road, Fusion of culture, Fashion art, Achievement DOI: 10.7176/ADS/79-10 Publication date: December 31st 201

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