The Importance of Individual Technology Factors for Adoption of Internet Banking


The main objective of this study is to find the factors that motivate customers to adopt Internet banking services. It is concerned with an empirical investigation of individual factor technology that could predict successful IBSA. Survey method is used questionnaires are administered on 535 persons in public university staffs already using internet banking services. The findings reveal that individual factors technology is high significant (IFT). It shows four significant relationships between Internet technology literacy toward internet banking adoption (β=.466,  T=5.672,  P<.000); Resistance to change toward internet banking adoption(β= -0.118T=2.262,  P<.024);  Risk of technology toward internet banking adoption (β=-O.125,T=3.838,  P<.000) and Anxiety of technology toward internet banking adoption (β=-0.172,  T=4..821, P<0.000). The results are discussed in the context of internet banking adoption / actual usage. Index Terms- Individual factors technology, Internet technology literacy, SEM DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/11-36-01 Publication date: December 31st 201

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