
Importance of Visual aids in the English teaching process of fourth and fifth year at national autonomous institute “San Isidro, during II semester 2005


This is true, because we can listen something, but we can keep in our mind many things when we see it .Although we talk and talk, is more important when we see it. This work has been made at the national autonomous institute ―San Isidro‖, in this institute there are 1179 students in the following shifts: morning, afternoon and evening. This research is directed to students and teachers of the morning and afternoon shifts, with the purpose to contribute to English teaching –learning process. Taking the fundamental elements of curriculum for lesson plans and programs implementation like using visual aids to teach .the use of visual aids influence in the better development of English teaching –learning process. To carry out this work we made consultations in bibliographical resources, we have interviewed to qualify human resources and we also analyzed many materials. We applied instruments like: survey to English teachers and students to compile data, direct and indirect observations in the classrooms to verify what it is expressed in the survey. The use of visual aids have been very unlimited ,the most used are : whiteboard , picture textbooks ,real objects ,photos ,flashcards ,so on, but in this work we verify the misuse of some visual aids that are in this institute like : computers , overhead projector ,that is causing a problem in the student‘s learning ,because when they come to the university they don‘t know to use the computer and others visual aids. For next school year and it will also give teachers a new perspective in teachin

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