A mathematical approach to a low power FFT architecture


Journal ArticleArchitecture and circuit design are the two most effective means of reducing power in CMOS VLSI. Mathematical manipulations have been applied to create a power efficient architecture of an FFT. This architecture has been implemented in asynchronous circuit technology that achieves significant power reduction over other FFT architectures. Multirate signal processing concepts are applied to the FFT to localize communication and remove the need for globally shared results in the FFT computation. A novel architecture is produced from the polyphase components that is mapped to an synchronous implementation. The asynchronous design continues the localization of communication and can be designed using standard cell libraries such as radiation-tolerant libraries for space electronics. We present a methodology based on multirate signal processing techniques and asynchronous design style that supports significant reduction in power over conventional design practices. A test chip implementing part of this design has been fabricated and power comparisons have been made

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