
Didactic innovation in the English language teaching of the writing skill focused on Word order of affirmative statements in short paragraphs through the creation of a private group on Facebook with eleventh grade students from March to November 2015 at Instituto Nacional Diriangen Diriamba, Carazo


This investigation was realized in a public school named Instituto Nacional Diriangen in Diriamba, Carazo. This research is based on Didactic innovations in the English language teaching of the writing skill focused on word order of affirmative statements in short paragraphs with eleventh grade students from March to November 2015 at Instituto Nacional Diriangen Diriamba, Carazo. The process of teaching and learning the writing skill in public schools is already an issue for teachers in this country, since the environment usually tends to be little appropriate and enriching for both, the teacher or students. Therefore, this paper is aimed at proposing interactive and cooperative teaching techniques and strategies so as to promote a better teaching of the writing skill focused on word order when writing short paragraphs. The approach in which this research paper runs is the qualitative and descriptive approach. Therefore, quite subjective data collection tools are used in order to gather the information necessary to support the foundation of this paper. For example, it includes a diagnostic test to measure the previous knowledge of the students in the writing skill. Furthermore, a class observation was applied so as to enquire about the different methodologies and strategies that the teacher uses to teach the writing in the classroom. Also, an interview and a survey were applied to both the teacher and students to get information on how they consider the implementation of social interactive media to learn the English language. The data collection tools were applied to a sample of ten students from the eleventh grade. Key words: didactic innovations, writing skill, interactive social media, cooperative learning, strategies and techniques

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