
Non-linear shallow water models for coastal run-up simulations


Shallow water models are frequently used to simulate ocean or coastal circulation or tsunami wave propagation. But these models are seldom used to explicitely reproduce for example tsunami wave run-up into coast. In this work we porpose an implementation of dry/wet areas for shallow water models that allow to reproduce coastal inundation and water retrainment once the impact wave passes over. The run-up model has been tested for simple test cases and geometries as in complex, real cases, as the Lituya Bay 1958 megatsunami.Proyecto DAIFLUID - Plan Nacional de I+D (MEC/FEDER) Referencia MTM2012 / TESELA - Proyecto de Excelencia de la Junta de Andalucía (convocatoria 2011) Referencia P11 - RNM7069 / Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

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