Charge response function and a novel plasmon mode in graphene


Journal ArticlePolarizability of noninteracting 2D Dirac electrons has a 1 1 / √qv-ω singularity at the boundary of electron-hole excitations. The screening of this singularity by long-range electron-electron interactions is usually treated within the random phase approximation. The latter is exact only in the limit of N →∞, where N is the ‘‘color'' degeneracy.We find that the ladder-type vertex corrections become crucial close to the threshold as the ratio of the nth order ladder term to the same order random phase approximation contribution is lnn|qv - ω|/Nn. We perform an analytical summation of the infinite series of ladder diagrams which describe the excitonic effect. Beyond the threshold, qv > ω, the real part of the polarization operator is found to be positive leading to the appearance of a strong and narrow plasmon resonance

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