Influence of leader efficacy and emotional intelligence on personal caring in physical activity


Journal ArticleScholars in youth development, education, and sport are examining the formative contexts of classrooms, music halls, and playing fields to gain a better understanding of positive development in children. Of particular interest are the leaders in these contexts (e.g., teachers, conductors, and coaches) and their ability to nurture the social-emotional skills that provide the foundation for development across the lifespan (Elias, 2003; Kress, Norris, Schoenholz, Elias, & Seigle, 2004). Learning contexts that emphasize caring are fundamental to positive development because a caring and supportive environment positively influences children's social-emotional competencies, character development, and personal mastery (Elias, 2003; Kress et al., 2004; Noblit, 1993; Noblit, Rogers, & McCadden, 1995; Noddings, 1995, 2002; Tappan, 1998; Wentzel, 1997)

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