Thrombosed Basilar Apex Aneurysm presenting as a third ventricular mass and hydrocephalus: case report and review of the literature


ManuscriptAneurysms presenting as third ventricular masses are uncommon; most are giant aneurysms arising from the basilar apex. We present a case of a thrombosed basilar apex aneurysm presenting as a third ventricular mass and hydrocephalus in a 55-year-old man. The case is unique in the literature as the aneurysm was completely thrombosed and angiographically occult. The lesion was explored to verify the diagnosis and a third ventriculostomy resolved the patient 19s symptoms. Completely thrombosed aneurysms should be considered in the differential diagnosis of symptomatic third ventricular masses, even when angiographic studies are negative. The literature on aneurysms presenting as third ventricular masses is reviewed

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