A baseband residual vector quantization algorithm for voiceband data signals


Journal ArticleAbstract-In this paper, we present a new approach to the digitization and compression of a class of voiceband modem signals. Our approach, which we call baseband residual vector quantization (BRVQ), relies heavily upon the simple structure present in a modem signal. After the signal is converted to baseband, the magnitude sequence and the sequence of residuals obtained when the phase within each baud of the baseband signal is modeled by a straight line are separately vector quantized. In order to carry out these operations, we developed the new carrier-frequency estimation and baud-rate classification schemes described in the paper. Experimental results show that the performance of the BRVQ system at and below 16 kbits/s is better than that of a previously developed vector quantization scheme that has itself been shown to outperform traditional speech-compression techniques such as adaptive predictive coding, adaptive transform coding, and subband coding when these techniques are used to compress modem signals

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