Analysis of topographic maps for recreational purposes using decision trees


pre-printIn this paper we describe a method for predicting the subjective quality of a new mountain bike route for a particular subject based on routes previously ridden and ranked by the subject. GPS tracks of the previously ridden routes are over laid on rasterized topographic maps and topographic features are extracted in the vicinity of the routes using image processing techniques. The subject ranks each previously ridden route segment on four subjective qualities. The extracted topographic features and the subjective rankings are used as input vectors and target vectors to train a series of decision trees. The decision trees are then tested on a series of route segments not used in the decision tree training. The decision trees were able to exactly predict the subjective rankings with over 60% accuracy vs. 20% accuracy for random selection. When close matches are allowed in the prediction of subjective ranking (plus or minus one point vs. actual) the accuracy of the decision trees increased to 90% and above

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