

thesisFrom the Project summary: "Architecture has historically been an art form that seeks meaning throughout the universe. From the Primitive Hut, throughout the myriad of styles and movements leading to contemporary architecture, and ultimately the path for the future, architectural design looks for inspiration in the human relationship to the environment, to the universe, and to culture. The human element defines the essence of realism in architecture. This project explores a design approach to architectural realism, inspired by Dogme 95, a process oriented approach to film making. Filmic realism is chosen as a source for architectural inspiration because of its inherent notion of "truth" within the projection of experiential sequences of the human relationship to space. Programmatically, this project is an interactive film archive for the preservation of films related to Dogme 95. This interaction incorporates a myriad of users in the spectrum of general public to professional filmmaker. This project embodies Dogme as program, while projecting a design process inspired by the movement.

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