Master of Fine Arts


thesisFrom the perspective of a choreographic artist, 'The Language of Fibers: How Movement Emerges from Space Harmony Theory and Architecture' discusses the creative process through the lens of two theoretical frameworks. Rudolf Laban’s Space Harmony Theory examines the relationship between the human body and the space created in crystalline forms. Architectural principles are focused on the structure of the creative space and how location influences movement. In pairing these two theories, moments of collaboration and clear difference occurred. The choreographic process was a journey to find harmony, discovering how research could provide a structure for movement. Architecture pinpoints movement within a particular location and emphasizes a dancer’s change in size, movement pathways, and relationship to other performers. Harmony, as conceived by Laban, is achieved through the feeling of proportionate change in the body as one reveals both points and spatial pathways. Primarily looking at location and the body’s ability to interact with space and others, the choreography emerged through the use of collaboration. Weaving together seventeen movement sections, the choreographic structure was directly developed from these theoretical points of view

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