Uncertainty with a Twist of Lyme (slideshow)


The patient is a 59-year-old woman who presented with vision loss. Her ophthalmologic history is significant for; myopic astigmatism and presbyopia. Her past medical history is notable for left breast cancer (T2N0 invasive lobular carcinoma, ER/PR positive, HER2/neu negative) s/p left mastectomy, chemotherapy, and radiation (2006); Celiac disease; Grave's disease s/p partial thyroidectomy (1977) and radioactive iodine (2000); Lyme disease (2013); and progressive neuropathy of unclear etiology (onset 1998)Patient Care, Medical Knowledge, PBLI, SBP, Professionalism, IPCS, VBmeningealcarcinomatosis, KBDmetastaticcarcinoma

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