
Zbog razvoja visoko aktivne antiretroviralne terapije (HAART) produljen je životni vijek HIV pozitivnih bolesnika zbog čega im raste rizik razvoja kroničnih bolesti među kojima je i kronična bubrežna bolest. Terapijske opcije za nadomještanje bubrežne funkcije uključuju peritonejsku dijalizu, hemodijalizu i transplantaciju bubrega. HIV infekcija je dugo bila apsolutna kontraindikacija za transplantaciju bubrega zbog bojazni od primjene imunosupresijske terapije. Danas se, zbog napretka na području antiretroviralne terapije i zbog boljeg razumijevanja farmakoloških interakcija između HAART i imunosupresije, uspješno provodi. Mi smo do sada u KBC-u Zagreb uspješno proveli transplantaciju bubrega u dva HIV pozitivna bolesnika.With development of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), HIV positive patients have longer life expectancy and therefore a higher risk of developing chronic diseases such as chronic kidney disease. HIV associated nephropathy is one of the most common causes of end stage renal failure in HIV positive patients. Therapy choices for renal replacement therapy for those patients are peritoneal dialysis, hemodialysis and kidney transplantation. HIV infection was considered as absolute contraindication for transplantation due to fear from consequences of immunosuppression. Today, with HAART and better understanding in pharmacology, interactions between HAART and immunosuppression, kidney transplantation is an option in HIV positive patients. Two cases of deceased-donor kidney transplantation in HIV positive patients were performed at the Zagreb University Hospital Centre

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