Risk Factors For Hearing Loss And Results Of Newborn Hearing Screening In Rural Area


Objective: This article reports the results of newborn hearing screening which has been performed between March 2009-2010 in Cizre State Hospital. The results of the first step hearing screening were discussed together with the risk factors for hearing loss. Materials and Methods: All 1840 babies that were born in Cizre State Hospital between March 2009 and March 2010 were enrolled in the study. They all underwent TEOAE (transient otoacoustic emissions) test as the first step of hearing screening. Results: Of the 1840 babies who were screened, 1441 (78.3%) passed the first test and remaining 399 (21.7%) were called again for the second test. Hundred and fourteen (6.2 %) of these babies were not brought for control. Among the latter patients 29 had various risk factors for hearing loss. 249 (13.5%) of the 285 (15.5%) babies who were re-evaluated, passed the test and remaining 36 (1.96%) were referred to the second step institutions. Conclusion: In rural areas more intensive protocols should be employed. Those babies delivered during weekends and nights should be screened before discharge and a member of the hearing screening team should be present during this time period as well. AABR (Automated Auditory Brainstem Response) and TEAOE should be done together in these high risk areas. More efficient way of follow-up of these babies is also necessary.Wo

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