Letter from S[amuel] T[homas] Pickard to John Muir, 1913 Jan 30.


Amesbury, Mass.Jan 3. 1913-Mr. John Muir:I have always been greatly interested in all you have written. My brother Prof. Joseph C. Pickard used to talk about you so much, before I found you in print. I wonder if my brother is remembered by you. He was Prof. in the University of Wisconsin, & another brother, Josiah L. Pickard, 053652was one of the Regents of the University, & also Supt. of the Schools of the State.I thought it possible that there was a reference to my brother in the Feb. No. of the Atlantic. He is not now living, but the older brother Josiah is still alive in 89th year, at Cupertino, Cal.Joseph\u27s enthusiasm whenever he spoke of you, & that was often, always impressed me.I am Whittier\u27s biographer, & am living in his Amesbury house.Very truly yoursS. T. Pickard05365https://scholarlycommons.pacific.edu/jmcl/42204/thumbnail.jp

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