
An improved bound on the number of point-surface incidences in three dimensions


We show that mm points and nn smooth algebraic surfaces of bounded degree in R3\mathbb{R}^3 satisfying suitable nondegeneracy conditions can have at most O(m2k3k1n3k33k1+m+n)O(m^{\frac{2k}{3k-1}}n^{\frac{3k-3}{3k-1}}+m+n) incidences, provided that any collection of kk points have at most O(1) surfaces passing through all of them, for some k3k\geq 3. In the case where the surfaces are spheres and no three spheres meet in a common circle, this implies there are O((mn)3/4+m+n)O((mn)^{3/4} + m +n) point-sphere incidences. This is a slight improvement over the previous bound of O((mn)3/4β(m,n)+m+n)O((mn)^{3/4} \beta(m,n)+ m +n) for β(m,n)\beta(m,n) an (explicit) very slowly growing function. We obtain this bound by using the discrete polynomial ham sandwich theorem to cut R3\mathbb{R}^3 into open cells adapted to the set of points, and within each cell of the decomposition we apply a Turan-type theorem to obtain crude control on the number of point-surface incidences. We then perform a second polynomial ham sandwich decomposition on the irreducible components of the variety defined by the first decomposition. As an application, we obtain a new bound on the maximum number of unit distances amongst mm points in R3\mathbb{R}^3.Comment: 17 pages, revised based on referee comment

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