Structural changes of liver, kidneys and spleen in rats affected with nanoparticles of silicon dioxide and lead acetate


У статті представлено результати морфологічних змін печінки, нирок і селезінки щурів при дії наночастинок діоксиду кремнію та ацетату свинцю. Встановлено, що поєднаний вплив нано-SiO2 з ацетатом свинцю спричиняє виражені дистрофічно-некротичні зміни в гепатоцитах, гіперплазію та гіпертрофію зірчастих ретикулоендотеліоцитів, токсичне ураження нефротелію капсули та вивідних канальців нирок, гіпоплазію білої пульпи селезінки, каріорексис та апоптоз клітин червоної пульпи. При введенні тваринам розчину ацетату свинцю морфологічні зміни досліджуваних тканин були виражені значно менше, ніж при спільному застосуванні нано-SiO2 і ацетату свинцю, а при введенні щурам тільки нано-SiO2 кремнію структурні зміни у внутрішніх органах були незначними. Зроблено висновок, що наночастинки діоксиду кремнію посилюють гепато-, нефро- і спленотоксичні ефекти ацетату свинцю; High dispersible nanostructured amorphous silicon dioxide is widely used in food and medicine production, pharmacology and cosmetology. Under certain conditions, nanoparticles can have unfavourable, even toxic effect on the body. Recently it has been shown that nano-SiO2 may also affect animal and human cells in vitro. Even in low doses SiO2 nanoparticles can increase the production of inflammatory mediators, penetrate the cell nucleus and integrate into the phosphate frame of DNA, increase the level of active oxygen forms, influence the apoptosis processes. Changing the integrity of nucleus they may form intra-nuclear protein assembly that causes inhibition of replication, transcription and proliferation reactions. Besides the direct effect of nanoparticles SiO2 on cells, some authors suggest the possibility of their interaction with the priority contaminants of the environment, such as lead. As a result, nanoparticles due to well-developed surface and high adsorption can enhance the penetration of the toxins into the body. So they function as conductors by modifying the toxic effect of xenobiotics. The study was aimed to investigate morphological changes in liver, kidneys and spleen of rats when administered SiO2 nanoparticles and lead acetate. 40 white outbred rats, 150-160 g in weight, which were kept on a standard vivarium diet, were used for the experiments. All manipulations with experimental animals were carried out in accordance with the bioethics principles. The test animals were divided into the following groups: the 1st – the intact rats (control); the 2nd – the rats administered intragastrically with nano-SiO2 colloidal solution at a dose of 50 mg/kg of body weight daily during 3 weeks; the 3rd – the animals administered intragastrically with lead acetate at a dose of 20 mg/kg of body weight (equivalent to lead) daily during 3 weeks for simulation of subacute lead intoxication; the 4th – the rats administered intragastrically with nano-SiO2 solution and lead acetate at the above doses during 3 weeks. The intact animals were administered intragastrically with appropriate amount of normal saline daily. Euthanasia was performed by exsanguination under thiopental sodium anesthesia in 21 days after the beginning of the experiment. Fragments of liver, kidney and spleen were used as the material for morphological studies. It has been established that the combined effect of nano-SiO2 and lead acetate causes: significant dystrophic necrotic changes in hepatocytes, hyperplasia and hypertrophy of Kupffer’s cells, perivascular lymphocytic and histiocytic infiltration in liver; toxic damage of capsule nephrothelium and excretory ducts, that is manifested by tubule- necrotic nephrosis, glomerular vascular component affection in kidneys; white pulp cords hypoplasia with T-lymphocytic zone decrease, karyorrhexis and apoptosis of red pulp in spleen. After administration of lead acetate solution to the experimental animals the morphological changes of liver, kidney and spleen tissues were less pronounced than when joint nano-SiO2 and lead acetate was used. When the rats were administered with silicon oxide nanoparticles only, there were insignificant structural changes of internal organs. The conclusion was drawn that the silicon dioxide nanoparticles increase hepatotoxic, nephrotoxic and spleen toxic effects of lead acetate

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