Management of Assets and Compliance through the Application of BIM and Digital Twins: A Platform for Innovation in Building Management


Building Information Modelling (BIM) is an intelligent 3D model-based process that gives asset managers the insight and tools to manage buildings and associated infrastructure more efficiently. BIM is the industry standard model to deliver insight on how a building will perform once built and to manage its performance and asset lifecycles. While BIM processes are established for new buildings, older buildings are not maintained, refurbished, or deconstructed using this method. BIM enables the benefits of efficiency, resource management and compliance. It can overcome uncertainties of building condition and deficient documentation that are prevalent in older buildings. It also acts as a centralised platform, accessible by all stakeholders to hold ‘one version of the truth’. Due to complex built forms and increasing legislative pressure from the government for multiple occupancy buildings, a state-of-the-art overview with an easy to use visualisation of compliance and accountability is required for our existing building stock. From a review a step by step proof of Concept (PoC) digital twin model is proposed. The work will show accountable outcomes that can be validated at each stage, the time and cost saving, as well as Halton Housing’s goals of creating places to be proud of, addressing customer safety, and asset strategy can be achieved. The aim is to assist in creating a healthy organisation by improving IT platforms, making it easier for colleagues to do their jobs and promote brand and reputation, cementing position and maintaining a strong voice in the sector. Furthermore, the review will demonstrate how an existing building can be modelled into a digital twin via a 3D BIM implementation. Starting small with clear phases and utilising data already available, the development proposed offers an exciting innovative cross platform implementation, that aims to explore the ‘art of the possible’ and opportunities to scale-up by adding important assets and integrating IOT sensors to gain further insights. Most importantly, the review highlights the advantages to the business at every stage and can adapt to business assets in an exciting and innovative way

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