
Cilj ovog osvrta je skrenuti pozornost na dijagnostičke nedoumice i neusklađenost dijagnostičkih kriterija za šećernu bolest u ranoj trudnoći koje u svakodnevnom radu koriste dijabetolozi odnosno ginekolozi. Neusaglašenost navedenih kriterija zbunjuje pacijentice i zdravstvene djelatnike. Nije jasno rezultira li primjena strožih kriterija nepotrebnim trošenjem zdravstvenih resursa i opterećenjem žena u osjetljivom razdoblju života ili s druge strane, ako se ne primjenjuju, podcjenjivanjem rizika povezanih s hiperglikemijom, izostankom pravodobne intervencije i posljedično većom incidencijom neželjenih ishoda trudnoće.The aim of this review is to draw attention to the diagnostic dilemma and inconsistency of the diagnostic criteria for diabetes in early pregnancy, used by diabetologists and gynecologists in everyday clinical practice. The lack of consistency of diagnostic criteria confuses patients and health-care providers. It is unclear whether the use of more stringent criteria results in unnecessary health-care costs and putting much pressure on women in the sensitive period of their life or, on the other hand, if not applied, underestimate hyperglycemia-related risks and results in the absence of timely intervention and consequently in a higher incidence of adverse pregnancy outcomes

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