Irreducible fractal structures for Moran's theorems


[EN] In this paper, we deal with a classical problem in Fractal Geometry consisting of the calculation of the similarity dimension of IFS-attractors. The open set condition allows to easily calculate their similarity dimension though it depends on an external open set. We contribute a necessary condition to reach the equality among some fractal dimensions for the natural fractal structure for IFS-attractors and the similarity dimension. That condition, weaker than the SOSC, becomes more representative of the attractor’s self-similar structure.Both authors are partially supported by grant No. MTM2015-64373-P. The first author also acknowledges the partial support of grant No. MTM2014-51891-P and grant No. 19219/PI/14 from Fundaci´on S´eneca of Regi´on de Murcia.Fernández-Martínez, M.; Sánchez-Granero, MÁ. (2017). Irreducible fractal structures for Moran's theorems. En Proceedings of the Workshop on Applied Topological Structures. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 33-40.

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