
Open journal systems and undergraduate research: How an open journal system can facilitate digital literacy and a research culture.


In August 2016 Leeds Beckett University launched its first open access undergraduate student journal, Critical reflections: a student journal on contemporary sociological issues. The journal is the first of its kind at the university and includes student reflections upon everyday scenarios viewed through a theoretical–sociological lens. As well as delivering many opportunities for the students, the purpose of the journal corresponds with the strategic objectives of the university as a whole. Firstly, to grow and develop a research culture by recognising the contribution of undergraduate research, and the impact this has upon the digitally literate graduate. Secondly, to allow students to capitalise upon their time at university by facilitating the experience of writing for publication, and the consequent effect upon both employability and their academic career development. The following summarises the beginnings of the journal and its relevance to the student experience, as well as outlining practical considerations for librarians, information specialists and academic staff

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