
Measuring Awareness of the Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations (2003) Among Employers in the Yorkshire and Humber Region


Regulations have been in place since 2003 to prevent discrimination in employment on the grounds of Religion or Belief. However, legislation is not on its own enough to secure fair practices in the workplace. Importantly, previous research has suggested that employers lack awareness of the regulations and may not have fully adjusted to the requirements and implications of the legislation. As such, the Government, through the DTI, has made funds available for capacity building among employers to support the implementation of the regulations. Using this funding, the Fair Play Partnership commissioned the Policy Research Institute at Leeds Metropolitan University to undertake research which will provide baseline information on the existing state of awareness, understanding, attitudes toward and implementation of both the Employment Equality (Religion and Belief and Sexual Orientation) Regulations. This report presents findings from a survey of employers in relation to the Religion or Belief Regulations. A separate report provides a similar review of findings in relation to the Sexual Orientation Regulations

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