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Not AvailableGlobally, Agriculture it seems is back on the development agenda, seen as a key to spurring growth and reduction poverty, and as a key route to meeting the Millennium Development Goals. Continent -wide policy can safeguard each country’s independence. The main focus of this paper is to analyse global agricultural policies and critically appraisal of their policies and arrive the best policies. The study is based on meta-analysis. The status of global agricultural policies in general and selected continent wise policies in particular is analysed. It also suggests the best future global agricultural policies. World as a whole the pressures on agriculture to produce much less than indicated projections for the period to 2050 because of deceleration population growth. The basic changes in Europe models concerning the transformation from supply driven models of traditional agriculture to the concept of modern agriculture focusing on demand-driven types of market agriculture. The North American Model; United States, Mexico, and Canada have each made significant changes to their agricultural policies over the past several years particularly in the area of income supports. The Latin America continent was confronted with a new twist to the Green Revolution model, with the introduction of genetically modified (GM) crops and run by transnational corporations. In Africa, agriculture is runs by the significance of aid provided by donors. The successful Asian State Green revolution model focuses more on seed and technologies to increase production. The most common policy response taken by the emerging economies – and also worldwide – has been to reduce or suspend import tariffs on food products. The year 2011 highlighted after many years of neglect, agriculture and food security are back on the development and political agendas. The study suggests to focus future policies on agriculture as a global agenda and global efforts.Not Availabl

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