Journey in a Forgotten Land - Part 1: Food and Drought in Ethiopian/Kenyan Border Lands


The herding peoples who live in the border areas of Kenya and Ethiopia share a common complaint. They believe themselves to be a forgotten people, unknown and unwanted in the capitals of Addis Ababa and Nairobi. This is not entirely true, but the remote, inhospitable nature of their land supports the belief that they are indeed untouched by the outside world. The majority of the people on both sides of the border are Boran, or their near cousins the Gabbra. They are traditionally pastoralists who move with their cattle, camels, sheep, and goats over vast areas of this dry land. Although they are peoples who have always known drought periods, and who have a great capacity to survive in hard times, the abnormal drought of the past 30 months has caused enormous suffering. It is by far the worst in living memory

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