

札幌市立大学は2012 年度から看護コンソーシアムの構築にむけた活動を行っている.本研究は病院における研修実施状況や中堅看護師の受講実態を明らかにし,看護コンソーシアムの活動の基礎資料とすることを目的とした.札幌市内の13 の病院に勤務する中堅看護師と看護管理者を対象に,質問紙調査およびフォーカスグループインタビュー(以下,FGI)を実施した.調査期間は2015 年12 月から2016 年2月(倫理審査承認No.1516-1).質問紙の回収率は中堅看護師61.5%,看護師長48.7%,副看護部長・看護部長53.8%であり,FGIに参加した中堅看護師は7名であった.中堅看護師研修を院内で実施していると回答した管理者は92.9%,中堅看護師研修の受講経験がある中堅看護師は42.5%であった.他病院や地域との連携が必要と回答した管理者は看護師長100%,副看護部長・看護部長92.9%であった.看護系大学との連携が必要と回答したのは看護師長が89.5%で最も多かった.中堅看護師が考える自己の課題は【時間を確保する】【学習意欲や積極的な姿勢を継続させる】など6カテゴリー,今後取り組みたいことは【専門性の高い知識を習得する】【組織や職種を越えて連携する】など5カテゴリー,外部施設との連携は【新たな視点や情報を希求する】【目的を持って交流する】など4カテゴリーであった.中堅看護師の課題やニーズと,管理者がキャリア支援の一環として期待する看護コンソーシアムにおける活動は合致することが示唆された.Sapporo City University has been actively working to establish a nursing consortium since 2012. The purpose of this study is to prepare basic materials for the activities of the nursing consortium by clarifying the reality in training of experienced nurses at hospitals. The study method included a questionnaire survey and interview of a focus group. The survey period was from December 2015 to February 2016. Subjects included experienced nurses, head nurses, deputy nursing directors and nursing directors working at 13 hospitals within Sapporo City. As a result, the collection rate of the questionnaire was 61.5% for experienced nurses, 48.7% for head nurses, and 53.8% for deputy nursing directors and nursing directors. Seven experienced nurses participated in the focus group interviews. 92.9% of hospitals responded that they conduct training of experienced nurses, and 42.5% of experienced nurses have taken the training. Many administrators gave positive response on the need for cooperation with other hospitals and regions, i.e., 100% of head nurses and 92.9% of deputy nursing directors and nursing directors. Head nurses gave positive response on the need for cooperation with nursing colleges at the highest percentage: 89.5%. There were six categories of tasks raised by experienced nurses for themselves: [to secure time], [to keep up with motivation to learn and positive attitudes], etc. There were four categories of what they desire to work on in the future: [to raise specialty], [to associate with beyond organizations and occupations], etc. There were four categories of cooperation with other facilities: [to aspire to have new viewpoints and information], [to exchange with purposes], etc. It was suggested that the tasks and needs of experienced nurses are consistent with activities of the nursing consortium expected by nursing supervisors as part of career support

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