Utilization of Biogas Slurry Doses from Goat Faeces with MOL (Micro Local Organisms) Banana Stem on Turi Productivity (Sesbania grandiflora) in Samosir Regency


This study aims to investigate the effect of utilization of biogas slurry doses withMOL (Micro Local Organisms) Banana Stumps on Turi Productivity (Sesbania grandiflora).This research was conducted in Samosir Regency, North Sumatra starting from May toSeptember 2018. The design used in this study was a completely randomized design with 4treatment levels of 5 replications, the data analysis used was Duncan's Advanced Test.Treatment with various doses of biogas slurry fertilizer by input of goat faeces which isfermented with MOL (Micro Local Organism), 2 liter MOL banana stem. P0 = 0, P1 = 20, P2= 40, P3 = 60 (t / h / yr). The variables observed were plant height, stem diameter, number ofstems, number of leaves, and leaf width. The results of the study showed that the fermentationof goat's bio-gas slurry fertilizer with various doses of fertilizing gave a significant influenceon the parameters of the study, namely plant height, number of stems, number of leaves, andstem diameter. The best response due to fertilization is with a dose of 60 t / h / yr

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