Zbieg przestępstw w prawie karnym Ukrainy


When assessing the state of studies on the institution of concurrence of offences it needs to bestressed that generally there have been discussions concerning the qualification of concurrence ofsingle offences and only a small part of them refers to the theoretical arguments in the discussed field(especially the problem of the qualification of the concurrence of offences, the distinguishing of typesof concurrence as “ideal – real” etc.). Although the terms “repeated offence”, “concurrence”, “recidivism”have long been used in the criminal law jurisprudence and have attracted sufficient level ofscholarly attention, their representation in the binding Criminal Code of Ukraine is far from perfect.The lack of compatibility between the norms defining the above mentioned terms results inmany questions which cannot be unequivocally answered, mostly referring to the criminal law evaluationof a few acts committed by one person, when each of these acts has the features of a separatetype of offence. The analysis of court practice demonstrates that individual courts make mistakes inthe application of the Criminal Code of Ukraine as far as the concurrence of offences is concerned.Some of the most prevalent of these are: improper correlation of norms referring to different typesof concurrence; accepting multiplicity of offences in cases where one of the acts has lost its criminalrelevance; improper qualification of repeated offences. At the same time it seems that the institutionof the concurrence of offences can be improved in the future due to the use of the provisionswhich refer to: the futility of taking into account the punishment for offences committed by a personunder the age of 18, no matter when (before or after that person turned 18) the conviction for theseoffences took place; the problem of recognising the type of concurrence of offences which resultsin combining punishments; the problem of taking into account the fact the on offence was repeatedor committed in the conditions for recidivism, when a person had been convicted by the court ofa foreign country.Artykuł nie zawiera abstraktu w języku polski

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