Squaring an Open Circle: Trends and Opportunities in Open Access Publishing, Promotion, and Impact


This poster will examine the trends surrounding scholarly communications amongst faculty authors at UTHSC to determine prevalence of Open Access (OA) publishing in order to formulate a strategy for the library to reallocate services and funds to meet the changing needs of the Library’s users. Using bibliographic analysis and citation analysis for the prior 10 years (2009-2018), we hope to discover the following: the trend with respect to OA publishing amongst UTHSC faculty including the difference between Gold OA and Green OA; the specific journals in which UTHSC faculty choose to publish; and, the impact of OA publishing versus traditional models with respect to citations. Using filters built into the Web of Science database, the authors were able to isolate OA articles authored by UTHSC affiliated faculty. Citations in which a UTHSC affiliated author is listed as the corresponding author were included in the OA results. The resulting citations were grouped by year of publication and Gold/Green OA to determine potential growth trends. Further, Gold OA results were filtered by journal title to determine in which journals faculty were publishing. Finally, the OA output was compared with non-OA results from the same period to determine what, if any, impact OA had on impact of the scholarship with respect to citations

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