Pengaruh Motivasi Terhadap Minat Mahasiswa Akuntansi Untuk Menempuh Pendidikan Magister Akuntansi (Maksi)


This research is to find out the influence of interests accounting for students educated Master Degree of Accounting for stundent in STIE Perbanas surabaya. The sample of the research is a university student who is studying a thesis accounting the program in 2011.The sample collection technique using purposive of sampling .The independent variable motivation research namely the quality of , motivation careers and economic motivation .While the dependent variable for research which is the interest of accounting for students have been studying accounting magister .Data collection techniques to the spread of quitionaire , and data analyzed using methods regression analysis worship of idols .The result showed that motivation influential career against the interest of students of accounting for educated magister accounting (MAKSI).This is because students want to improve the ability of position promotion, to enhance flavor professionalism and pride against the profession of accountant and to expand the access and network in the world of work. Keyword: quality motivation, carreer motivation, and economy motivatio

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