Evaluation of educational-rehabilitation programs for children with psychomotor disabilities


Rana intervencija podrazumijeva širok i raznolik spektar aktivnosti i postupaka koji su namijenjeni podršci ranom dječjem razvoju, te je to model namijenjen vulnerabilnim skupinama djece s rizikom za razvojno odstupanje ili s već utvrđenim razvojnim teškoćama, kao i njihovim obiteljima. Ona kroz multidisciplinarnu suradnju i različite pristupe unapređuje djetetove kompetencije, smanjuje teškoće, povećava funkcionalnost te pruža podršku obitelji kroz edukaciju i savjetovanje s ciljem poboljšanja kvalitete života za dijete i obitelj. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi učinkovitost edukacijsko-rehabilitacijskog programa u područjima komunikacije, grube motorike, fine motorike, problemskih zadataka i interpersonalnih vještina kod petero djece predškolske dobi s odstupanjima u psihomotoričkom razvoju. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo petero djece, koji su u istraživanje izabrani namjernim uzorkovanjem. Kriterij odabira sudionika bio je postojanje odstupanja u psihomotoričkom razvoju te uključenost u usluge rane intervencije u Kabinetu za ranu psihomotoričku stimulaciju Centra za rehabilitaciju ERF-a. Istraživanje je provedeno pomoću Ages and Stages 3 upitnika za rani probir razvojnih odstupanja, te su rezultati analizirani kvantitativnim metodama. Rezultati su pokazali pozitivan utjecaj i učinkovitost edukacijsko-rehabilitacijskog programa na svim područjima razvoja kod svih pet sudionika, a najveći napredak zabilježen je na područjima grube i fine motorike te komunikacije.Early intervention involves a wide and diverse range of activities and procedures designed to support early childhood development, and it is a model targeted at vulnerable groups of children at risk of developmental disability or with already identified developmental disabilities, as well as their families. Through multidisciplinary collaboration and different approaches, it enhances the child's competences, reduces difficulties, increases functionality and supports the family through education and counseling to improve the quality of life for the child and family. The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of an educational and rehabilitation program in the fields of communication, gross motor skills, fine motor skills, problem tasks and interpersonal skills in five preschool children with disabilities in psychomotor development. Five children participated in the study, who were selected for deliberate sampling. The selection criterion for participants was the existence of deviations in psychomotor development and involvement in early intervention services. The study was conducted using the Ages and Stages 3 questionnaire for early screening for developmental deviations, and the results were analyzed using a quantitative methodology.A quantitative methodology was used to compare the results obtained and to monitor progress in development. The results showed a positive impact and effectiveness of the educational-rehabilitation program in all areas of development in all five participants, with the greatest progress being made in the areas of coarse and fine motor skills and communication

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