Advanced oxidation methods for the treatment of olive mill wastewater


Nove i inovativne napredne oksidacijske metode obrade otpadne vode su u fazi razvoja i procjene uspješne implementacije u industriji te trenutno predmet istraživanja brojnih znanstvenika. Cilj ovog rada bio je ispitati utjecaj tretmana hladnom plazmom, ultrazvukom i UV zračenjem u kombinaciji s katalizatorima H2O2, TiO2, FeCl3x 6H2O na degradaciju kompleksnih organskih spojeva otpadne vode iz proizvodnje maslinovog ulja. Uzorci su tretirani hladnom plazmom u trajanju od 30 minuta pri frekvencijama: 60 i 120 Hz te uz upuhivanje plinova: kisika, dušika i zraka, UV zračenjem tijekom 30 minuta te 10 minutnim tretmanima ultrazvukom visokog intenziteta. Određivani su fizikalno-kemijski pokazatelji kakvoće, boja i ukupni otopljeni ugljik. Rezultati pokazuju kako je do promjene boje i ukupnog otopljenog ugljika došlo u svim tretiranim uzorcima i to najviše uz dodatak FeCl3x 6H2O. Tretman UV zračenjem i ultrazvukom pokazao se kao najefikasnija metoda obrade rezultirajući redukcijom organskog opterećenja nakon 10 minutnog tretmana u pojedinim uzorcima i do 50%.New and innovative advanced oxidative wastewater treatment processes are currently in the focus of scientific research and development for possible industrial implantation. The main aim of this study was to investigate the effect of cold plasma treatment, high intensity ultrasound and UV radiation with addition of H2O2, TiO2, FeCl3x 6H2O on degradation and removal of complex organic compounds from olive mill wastewater. The samples were treated with under process conditions as follows: 30 minutes with cold plasma at frequencies of 60 and 120 Hz using gases: oxygen, nitrogen and air; 30 minutes of UV radiation and respectively 10 minutes by high intensity ultrasound. Physicochemical indicators of quality, color and total dissolved carbon were determined. Results showed that reduction of color and total dissolved carbon comes in all treated samples, most with the addition of FeCl3x 6H2O. Treatment with UV radiation and ultrasound proved to be the most efficient method of treatment resulting in the 50 % reduction of organic compounds after 10-minute treatment

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