Analysis of Transport Layer Protocol Functions within TCP/IP Protocol Stack


Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol složaj (TCP/IP) je skup Internet protokola koji je razvijen kao nadopuna Open System Interconnection referentnom modelu (OSI RM) i prikazuje kako dva različita sustava mogu komunicirati jedan sa drugim. U radu su prikazane funkcije i razlike između slojeva ranije navedenih modela. Ipak, u završnom radu naglasak je na protokolima transportnog sloja TCP/IP složaja. Transportni sloj zadužen je za siguran i pouzdan prijenos podataka od početne do krajnje točke u mreži, te se za taj prijenos najčešće koriste Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), User Datagram Protocol (UDP) i Stream Control Protocol (SCTP). Na samom kraju rada prikazana je komparacija funkcionalnosti protokola transportnog sloja TCP/IP složaja.TCP/IP model is a set of Internet protocols which is developed as a complement to the Open System Interconnection - Reference Model and it shows communication between two different systems. Functions and differences between the layers of the previously mentioned models are presented in the thesis. However, in the bachelor thesis, the emphasis is on TCP/IP transport layer protocols. The transport layer is responsible for secure and reliable data transmission from point-to-point network. Transmission Control Protocol, User Datagram Protocol i Stream Control Protocol are most commonly used for this transfer. At the end of the thesis is a comparison of the TCP/IP model transport layer protocol functionality

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