Gibbs energy


U ovom završnom radu opisana je slobodna Gibbsova energija, koje su karakteristike i kako se ponaša pri određenim uvijetima. Slobodna Gibbsova energija dobila je ime po američkom fizičaru i kemičaru Josiah Willard Gibbs. Gibbs je proučavao kemijske reakcije te odnos sustava reakcije i okoline. Uočio je što je slobodna energija, koji su kriteriji spontanosti reakcija te pri kojim uvijetima se moţe izračunati promjena slobodne energije. Za poznavanje Gibbsove energije potrebno je poznavati uvijete u kojima se reakcija odvija te entropiju i entalpiju sustava koji su u radu ukratko objašnjeni. Standardne Gibbsove energije imaju konstantne vrijednosti, ali se podaci mogu prilagoditi drugim uvijetima te izračunati promjenu Gibbsove energije pri drugoj temperaturi i tlaku. U radu je objašnjena poveznica između konstante ravnoteţe i Gibbsove energije kao i aktiviteta otopina.This final work describes the free Gibbs energy, what are the characteristics and how it behaves under certain conditions. Free Gibbs energy is named after American physicist and chemist Josiah Willard Gibbs. Gibbs studied chemical reactions and the relationship between reaction systems and the environment. He noticed what free energy is, what are the criteria for spontaneity of reactions and under what conditions the change in free energy can be calculated. In order to calculate Gibbs energy, it is necessary to know the conditions under which the reaction takes place, and the entropy and enthalpy of the systems, which are briefly explained in the paper. The standard Gibbs energies have constant values, but the data can be adjusted to other conditions and the Gibbs energy change can be calculated at a different temperature and pressure. The relationship between the equilibrium constant and Gibbs energy as well as the activity of the solutions is explained in the paper

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