Designing a sustainable business program for a small family farm


Sakupljanjem i proučavanjem brojnih literaturnih podataka i rezultata različitih istraživanja tijekom izrade ovog rada, dolazi se do spoznaje kako obiteljska poljoprivreda ima važnu ulogu u razvoju poljoprivrede i proizvodnji hrane na području EU. Raznolikost poljoprivrednih praksi i uvjeta poljoprivredne proizvodnje razlogom je potrebe dizajniranja održivih poslovnih programa OPG-a koji trebaju osigurati egzistenciju poljoprivrednom stanovništvu. Analiza različitosti u sektoru obiteljske poljoprivrede pokazuje da mala poljoprivredna gospodarstva zbog svoje fleksibilnosti opstaju u gospodarskom području, međutim zbog smanjenih prihoda uslijed nekonkurentnosti ne mogu osigurati punu zaposlenost članovima svojeg gospodarstva te im je potrebna potpora sa opstanak i razvoj.By collecting and studying a wealth of literature and the results of various studies during the development of this paper, it is learned that family farming plays an important role in the development of agriculture and food production in the EU. The diversity of agricultural practices and conditions of agricultural production is the reason for the need to design sustainable OPG business programs that should ensure livelihood for the agricultural population. The analysis of diversity in the family agriculture sector shows that, because of their flexibility, smallholder farms survive in the economic area, but because of reduced incomes due to non-competitiveness, they cannot ensure full employment for members of their economy and need support for their survival and developmen

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