Mosses as a bioindicator of radioactive contamination in nature park Kopački Rit


U ovom radu prikazani su rezultati mjerenja i analize koncentracije aktivnosti sljedećih radionuklida: 40K,7Be,137Cs,232Th,226Ra^{40}\textrm{K} , ^{7}\textrm{Be}, ^{137}\textrm{Cs}, ^{232}\textrm{Th}, ^{226}\textrm{Ra}, i 210Pb^{210}\textrm{Pb} u Parku prirode Kopački rit. U Parku su prikupljani uzorci mahovine jer su one dobri bioindikatori radioaktivnosti. Uzorci su prikupljani u poplavnim područjima Dunava i Drave, ali i izvan njih. Lokacije na kojima su uzorci skupljani razlikovale su se i po dostupnosti izletnicima. Uzorci su analizirani gamaspektrometrijskom metodom koja je navedena i opisana u ovom radu.In this thesis the measurement and analysis results of specific activities of the following radionuclides 40K,7Be,137Cs,232Th,226Ra^{40}\textrm{K} , ^{7}\textrm{Be}, ^{137}\textrm{Cs}, ^{232}\textrm{Th}, ^{226}\textrm{Ra}, and 210Pb^{210}\textrm{Pb} are presented: in the nature park Kopački rit. In the park samples of moss were collected, which is a good bioindicator of radioactivity. Samples were collected across areas flooded by Danube and Drava rivers, as well as outside. Sampling locations are publicly accessible and inaccessible. The samples were analysed using gamma spectrometry which is introduced and described in the thesis

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