
Predmet ovog istraţivanja je utjecaj first-line, operativnog managementa na opću razinu motivacije zaposlenika na primjeru poduzeća Galeb d.d. Objašnjeni su pojmovi i vaţnost motivacije te su navedene teorije motivacije i motivacijske strategije. Definirane su managerske vještine i odgovornost, kao i aktivnosti djelovanja managera na odreĊenim podruĉjima. Naglasak je stavljen na dinamiĉnost i kompleksnost ljudskog resursa te da za uspješno voĊenje management mora prepoznati vaţnost kontinuiranog odrţavanja ţeljene razine motivacije zaposlenika. Anketnim upitnikom kao primarnim izvorom informacija omogućen je detaljan uvid u stavove zaposlenika. Ovisno o kvaliteti dobivenih rezultata management moţe analizirati informacije i kreirati strategije za odrţavanje pozitivnih faktora i eliminiranje uzroĉnika smanjenja motivacije. Specifiĉnost ovog istraţivanja leţi u tome što prikazuje udjele nezadovoljstva radnika po ciljanim kategorijama i daje uvid u veliĉinu utjecaja odreĊenih problema na motivaciju zaposlenika. Većina ovih problema moţe se eliminirati bez materijalnih troškova, iskljuĉivo kombinacijom uroĊenih i nauĉenih vještina managementa. Kvalitetan management ništa ne prepušta sluĉaju, još ako ima mogućnost provoditi jeftine i efikasne poteze za unaprjeĊenja radne okoline, onda tu mogućnost svakako treba iskoristiti na što ovaj rad skreće paţnju.The object of this research is to inspect the influence of first-line management on the general level of employee motivation in the case of Galeb d.d. It explains the importance of motivation and states various theories and motivation strategies. It defins the skills and knowledge of a propper manager, as well as possible moves he/she can make in order to deal with a certain situation. Throughout the paper it has been made clear that the nature of human resources is very dynamic and in order to functionally operate at a desired level, management must realize the importance of the issue and then try to anticipate anything that could effect the motivation levels of the employees. Using the survey as a primary source of information, it's possible to get a full understanding of the employees opinions, values and senses of appreciation. All mentioned and many more factors influence the motivation levels on a daily basis. Based on the quality of gathered informations, management has the tools necessary to eliminate the risks and to maximize the benefits. What's so special about this research is that it provides numerical and graphical shares of employee's (di)satisfaction thus showing the volume of impact the specific problem has on the motivation levels. Most of the problems detected are relatively easy to solve. Given the situation, management should never hesitate to make action if the possible outcome far exceeds the cost or difficulty of the issue, as it is the case in this research

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