
Red and Gold Day • Changes for Education Majors • Golf Cart Stolen • Unrest in the Quad • Alcohol Update • Fourth Annual Grizzly Network Career Day • U.S.G.A. Minutes • Chemical Awareness • Biology Department Update • Environmental Notes • Fraternities Experience Humanity of Habitat • The Winner Is: Mudslinger #1 • The Harm of Rumors • Priorities in College Athletics • Feed Your Mind • Halloween Flop • Soviet Art at Ursinus • The Quad Peacock • College Choir Performs Requiem • Senior Barn Bash • Goodfellas • Bears Rush by the Mules in 13-9 Upset • Volleyball Ends Season with a Loss • Field Hockey Passes by Princeton • Senior Runners Reflect on Seasonhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1282/thumbnail.jp

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